Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Going Green for Earth Day

Today is Earth Day. I remember celebrating as a child and learning about recycling at school. We learned to reduce, reuse, and recycle. The main tips I remember were to turn lights off when we leave a room and turn the water off when brushing our teeth. We recycled at home.

As an adult I admit that I haven't remained "green." We didn't have convenient recycling in Savannah, so we didn't. I have reusable shopping bags in the back of a closet somewhere. I haven't bought natural cleaning products and have been generally wasteful. Lately I've wanted to reorganize several areas of my life and have wanted to become more green. We are recycling and I've started a little garden. I want Logan to internalize the lessons he is learning at daycare this week. (Can you believe they celebrate Earth Day at 2 years old!?)

I have spent a good part of the day researching green tips online. I've scribbled ideas and recipes all over a legal pad and admit I'm intimidated. I am not sure where to start. I want to adopt habits that I can sustain. It's not reasonable to burn my bras, live only off the earth, and eat only raw foods. Not reasonable for this family. It would be easy to let my intimidation turn into inaction but I'm going to start small. I can commit to continuing to recycle, turn off unused lights/water, and add a few small actions. (ie. not buying cleaning products until my current supply is gone and then buying/making healthier options...reduce my use of paper towels...maybe even make detergent like my sister-in-law has done.)

I want this commitment to stand longer than many of my others that have been abandoned after a brief passionate moment. (ie. making our own candles/diffuser oil, exercising, dieting-ugh!, sewing, making extra money by selling on ebay, blogging/journaling regularly, writing, etc.) I plan to guilt myself into maintaining this focus by remembering that Logan is watching and learning my every move. As cliche as it is, I owe him a healthier future. (Gag! I hate when I'm sappy & generic.) Besides, I want Logan to learn that passion can create big changes with a little hard work.

As I type this silly blog o' inspiration, I am sincere. (And I'm singing Jack Johnson's The 3 R's song...) Happy Earth Day! Go Green Geiers!

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